the York Barbell Man

the whole 9 pounds  BRIG'S BLOG
personal fitness education

A unique concept in fitness training for any age, any level

You will learn everything you need to train yourself for the rest of your life.

Most people who exercise waste much of their time doing ineffective exercises improperly, and at the wrong time, not understanding what they are doing or why. Up and down, back and forth, round and round. Is anything happening? OK, people are moving muscles, but wouldn’t it be nice to have tangible results after hours, weeks, months, and years?

Four visits with me and you will know which exercises to do, how, when, why to do them, AND how to get results. You will be able to design and follow your own training plan based on your abilities and aspirations.

Brig Seaver, NFPT Certified Fitness Trainer

gives you the POWER TO TRANSFORM

"you can achieve what your mind can believe"